Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


By: Arif BUdiman

Some time ago I saw a few players who are playing the clown dolls herself with the typical American-style Mickey Mouse and Donald Mac. Seeing the condition of two people that I applaud and appreciate because they are still going to try to make a living by playing him as a clown than a beggar or a choice of more despicable than that. Pity there are more dominant when the driver gave some coins or a few bills on their ribuah. But they are still respectable.This phenomenon, like I use to bring the reader in understanding on how the education system native of Indonesia who are not confident that occurs precisely because the curriculum adopted from other countries to distance people from cultural roots bahakan Indonesia uprooted humanity.Actors of education in this country as clowns demonstrate the character that does not comply with himself. He tried to be someone else in him, though he is very different., He must cover his face with a doll that she wore to cover up the real him. He did not want others to know that he was helpless. Strengths and capabilities that exist within him he could not remove it. He wants to use another person's face to develop other people's minds, since we have never saaat menadi yourself.I saw the clown players physically very healthy, even one of the beautiful women they were massive. But skinfold empowerment that actually makes it to choose the way it is powerless to get the money. He looks like he saw me.The best education is the effort of developing the full human potential. Paulo Freire says education is the best effort to humanize humans. Meaning of education in which are capable of producing roses Manuia as humans rather than man outside let alone an animal even more despicable than that.There are two aspects to be considered in building the best educational software and hardware aspects. Aspect Software is software related aspects and visionary batini best ideas about education. Hardware is an aspect of its physical aspect, namely the development of infrastructure at the school as a maximization of organized or prepared to realize was that Aspect Software.Concentration on aspects of the software is the attention-aspect asepk batini, visir and outlook and ideological education. In this case an understanding of the ideology of education becomes an important thing that needs to be understood as fundamental.Idiologi basic education is fundamental ideas and principles related to one's outlook and tend to be affiliated to one school of thought. Therefore have implications for the development of the aspekIdiologi or have close correlation with the building ideology yan community or country.In the aspect of the real software is divided into two main asek Micro and Macro Software. While the dimaksuk with micro aspects here are the things that are very technical about the administration of education such as curriculum, evaluation and learning in the classroom.Macro aspects are aspects that cover things like that were related to ideology, vision and mission of education. As far as the writer of the school is a school that has a strong vision and ideology of the organizers of the founders. This paper does not intend to exacerbate the problem let alone confront the ideological differences that religious differences dlam it has a large stake and interest in education. In Christianity we know there are schools CPC Sower, Canisius etc. very well recognized and successful in carrying the educational achievements. In Islam, Al-Azhar schools, there is Insan Scholar, also managed to build a strong vision in education. These schools would be able to raise the basic education curriculum with concepts and self-reliant and able to be applied properly.Both the one hand encouraging academic achievement. On the other hand the achievement of the target values ​​of religion are also very prominent. With banyakknya student and maintained quality as well as showing that most dicarai education is education that focuses on humanity as a whole aspect of the education that is also developing the potential of religion to one side. On the other hand education is also fully support the idea of ​​developing a cognitive or intellectual side.Indonesia should take the idea of ​​the best schools with a religious-effacing. Indonesia can be directed to the educational focus of intellect, and also focus on the development of morality and character asek nationality. Why does religion terabaiakan or ignored because alamsosial not see religion as an important part of our kemananusiaan side.The best education for the people of Indonesia is the education that stand upon their own legs. No need mencontok or parroting the western concepts that have not tenntu fitted with its own culture.

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